Tfg told the crowd that he wants them to vote for him, and if they do so, they’ll never have to bother to vote again. I guess we can take that to mean he’ll never step down once he’s in there. Right?
Because he plans to steal, or try and steal the election again. “Just guard the vote.” His armies intimidating polling places, his army thanks to Rs, army of R judges who this time will vote his way, and the SCOTUS6. Who will save us, no matter if it’s a landslide our way?
The US Army, Air Force, Navy and Marines! And don’t be a Debbie Downer and tell me they’re all in with him. I don’t think so. National Gaurd would be called pronto this time. We’re not fooling around.
As a Widow of a VietVet 1968-1970 (had no ideology—he needed a job!) I agree with this!! Our Military is diverse and won’t stand for “donnie dicktater’s” fuckin’ shit! My husband was borequa, e.g. Puerto Rican.
They may not all, be in with them, but plenty are. Look at J6ers. It’s the anti-gov’ment thing, even tho they chose to serve and protect us, and democracy. Those who’ve turned, I don’t get it. ID where we are, and MT, sent their NG to “help” Abbott at the S border. Waist of taxpayer dollars.
Yes, we must study laws passed by R led legislatures in a lot of key states to remind ourselves of how the steal attempt may go down: Since Jan 2021, they started writing and passing these laws based on how 🍊💩's first attempt failed. I call them "making cheating legal" laws; just like when SCOTUS6 ruled IN FAVOR of Gerrymandering! (Forget which state that was right now).
Tfg decided to keep Vance, so long perhaps, that vance doesn’t steal his spotlight and vance praises tRump sufficiently, “kiss his (ahum!) RING. Then again if (when) he loses he can blame vance. Haha
Key #1. Mid-term Election Results; Analysis: #GOPs now have more Congressional seats in D.C.; Advantage: GOPs C=> #Kindle-Edition
Key #2. The #I-Pck ("eye-pick") Intra-party Contested Key; Analysis: #Kamala has wrapped up the internal delegates to the #DEM-party convention already in just ONE week's time; Advantage: DEMs C=> #Kindle-Edition
Note. #Joe knows "The Keys To The White House" like the back of his hand outmaneuvering #Trump by elevating his #VICE #Kamala deftly avoiding the expected loss of the "Intra-party Contest Key."
Key #3. The #Incumbency Key; Analysis: #Kamala cannot by herself be awarded the "PRESIDENTIAL Incumbency Key", or #PIK without #Joe officially resigning the Presidency; Advantage: GOPs C=> #Kindle-Edition
Key #4. The 3rd Party ("RFK, Jr.") Key; Analysis: #Bobby Kennedy, Jr. is still NOT a viable candidate. Advantage: DEMs C=> #Kindle-Edition
Key #5. Strong S-Term #USA Economy Key; Analysis: No Two (2) consecutive quarters of negative growth ie.) No Recession; Advantage: DEMs C=> #Kindle-Edition
Key #6. Strong L-Term #USA Economy Key; Analysis: Current REAL #GDP-growth exceeds the average of the previous Two (2) presidential terms; Advantage: DEMs C=> #Kindle-Edition
Key #7. Major Policy Change Key; Analysis: Most of the previous administration's executive orders have been rescinded; Advantage: DEMs C=> #Kindle-Edition
Key #8. Social Unrest Key; Analysis: Must be a MAJOR movement comparable to #BLM pending the optics of the #DEM-convention; Advantage: DEMs C=> #Kindle-Edition
Key #9. The Scandal Key; Analysis: Bipartisan recognition of the underlying Scandal, if any, ie.) The Watergate Investigation; Bill and Monica; where the subject Scandal must involve the President; Advantage: DEMs C=> #Kindle-Edition
Key #10. The Foreign Military Failure Key, or #FMFK; #Afghanistan, #Gaza, #Ukraine; Advantage: GOPs C=> #Kindle-Edition
Key #11. The Foreign Military Success Key, or #FMSK; #Afghanistan, #Gaza, #Ukraine; Advantage: GOPs C=> #Kindle-Edition
Key #12. The Charismatic Incumbent Key, or #CIK; A broadly appealing once in a generation inspirational candidate; Advantage: GOPs C=> #Kindle-Edition
Key #13. The Un-Charismatic Challenger Key, or #UCCK; A narrowly appealing commonly "ho-hum" candidate; Advantage: DEMs C=> #Kindle-Edition
Rule. If Eight (8) or more keys are "True" for the #DEMs, then #Kamala will become our 47th President of The United States. C=> #Kindle-Edition
Current Score Dtd 072624 = Five (5) #GOP-keys versus Eight (8) #DEM-keys C=> #Kindle-Edition
It doesn’t matter, Ronald, how long it takes the penny to drop. The important thing is that it does drop and that we learn again to laugh and be joyous.
Except it is possible he did. And meant it. (I haven’t watched this clip yet and I’m NOT arguing that he is mentally stable. He clearly isn’t )
Copied from another comment I made today:
We can’t drop our guard even a little though. Look into Trump starting to say “I don’t need your votes” at his rallies. It is looking more and more like he is planning to steal the election regardless of voting outcome. There are 70 “election deniers” Trump supporters in key swing states that have mostly been placed since 2021.
They could conceivably throw the entire election into disarray if they refuse to certify votes in even a few counties because those counties not reporting could keep the state from reporting.
It’s a wild thing to even think about and sounds conspiracy theory asf but so did Project 2025 a few months ago.
Add a bought off and paid for Supreme Court to the mix and bad shit could happen.
We can stop it. Michigan is already taking actions making clear refusal to certify is illegal. The implied threat that refusal could lead to removal and someone else will do your job is the vibe I got. Other swing states need to follow suit.
Trump is refusing to debate Harris and with this change in his rhetoric, I think his camp has realized outright fraud, open treason, is the only way they will “win”
I only learned about this in the last 24 hours so if anyone has other information/conflicting information or simply knows more than I do, I’m definitely open to hearing it.
If there has ever been a so called, “news,” network that needs to shut down, it’s Faux News. Free speech is our fundamental right in this country. However, with every right, comes a responsibility. The responsibility necessary for free speech, should be honesty. If you can’t be honest about what you are saying, you are going against the right to have free speech in my opinion. Given the things said on Faux News violate the idea of honesty on most occasions, they should have their right to free speech revoked. I have no problem invoking censorship when toxic lies are being spread to harm our republic.
Great nickname for tfg, fits him so well. Everyone notice the opposition party doesn’t have the integrity to do what the Democrats have wisely done, have the difficult but necessary discussion with their standard bearer, the sitting President.
Thus providing a national role model for American families across the country.
In contrast, the corrupt, incompetent, rancid, party has a standard bearer who’s been in obvious aging decline since occupying the Oval Office. The denial in large part, of tfg’s astounding acceleration of fumbling mind, incoherent speech and reasoning, in his loss of a second term.
Blinders back on, yup their hyping again, too fearful to be adults. Flailing, a failing oldster addicted to pretend youth, strong, guy faker is their “best” to fool you.
trump’s saying this stuff about not needing votes again? he said this in New Hampshire in October, 2023:
“So we have to be careful, you gotta get out there and you got to watch those voters," Trump said. "You don't have to vote, don't worry about voting. The voting, we got plenty of votes, you gotta watch."
It was very strange and sounded like he admitted that the rigging he is always talking about is already in process for votes for him.
In 2015 and 2016, he began his schpiel about the vote being rigged if he didn’t win the election, which, at that time, he didn’t expect to win. He was continuing then his denigration of U.S. institutions that he had displayed in 2011 when he took up his version of the “birtherism” campaign.
I would bet that some of the discussion in the meeting in DC trump had with the congressional republicans was how to work the possibility of a contingent election in which the House of Representatives decides on who the president will be. Because this is why trump thinks he already has the votes he needs. And why he can openly say “I don’t care about you.”
Tfg told the crowd that he wants them to vote for him, and if they do so, they’ll never have to bother to vote again. I guess we can take that to mean he’ll never step down once he’s in there. Right?
If you understand plain English, hell yes! He wants to run our country like Putin runs Russia! Donnie Dictator!
But he’s not competent to run any country, even if he could get elected. It’s the rest of the MAGA/GQP/WCN Extremist Cult that we have to worry about.
Because he plans to steal, or try and steal the election again. “Just guard the vote.” His armies intimidating polling places, his army thanks to Rs, army of R judges who this time will vote his way, and the SCOTUS6. Who will save us, no matter if it’s a landslide our way?
The US Army, Air Force, Navy and Marines! And don’t be a Debbie Downer and tell me they’re all in with him. I don’t think so. National Gaurd would be called pronto this time. We’re not fooling around.
As a Widow of a VietVet 1968-1970 (had no ideology—he needed a job!) I agree with this!! Our Military is diverse and won’t stand for “donnie dicktater’s” fuckin’ shit! My husband was borequa, e.g. Puerto Rican.
Thank you and I thank him for his service, even tho I was against the Vietnam War. The officials who ran it, not the soldiers.
Real bullets this time!🤞👊💪
And some big 🦶in their 🍑s
They may not all, be in with them, but plenty are. Look at J6ers. It’s the anti-gov’ment thing, even tho they chose to serve and protect us, and democracy. Those who’ve turned, I don’t get it. ID where we are, and MT, sent their NG to “help” Abbott at the S border. Waist of taxpayer dollars.
Ohhhhh man, I LIKE your attitude!!!! Save a golden bullet or 💣 for the 🍊💩 too!
Yes, we must study laws passed by R led legislatures in a lot of key states to remind ourselves of how the steal attempt may go down: Since Jan 2021, they started writing and passing these laws based on how 🍊💩's first attempt failed. I call them "making cheating legal" laws; just like when SCOTUS6 ruled IN FAVOR of Gerrymandering! (Forget which state that was right now).
Perfect Scotus6( we need to run part of campaign on these words!)
I’ve also called them #SCROTUM6
Tfg decided to keep Vance, so long perhaps, that vance doesn’t steal his spotlight and vance praises tRump sufficiently, “kiss his (ahum!) RING. Then again if (when) he loses he can blame vance. Haha
I have a feeling that Fox News is going to start being “busy” when Trump calls in 😂😂😂
Following your progress from London. You’ll be a giant leap for hu-mankind, so to speak. A Great Leap Forward!
Prompt: Where do the "Keys To The White House" stand now? C=> #Kamala-iz-a-Soaring!
Key #1. Mid-term Election Results; Analysis: #GOPs now have more Congressional seats in D.C.; Advantage: GOPs C=> #Kindle-Edition
Key #2. The #I-Pck ("eye-pick") Intra-party Contested Key; Analysis: #Kamala has wrapped up the internal delegates to the #DEM-party convention already in just ONE week's time; Advantage: DEMs C=> #Kindle-Edition
Note. #Joe knows "The Keys To The White House" like the back of his hand outmaneuvering #Trump by elevating his #VICE #Kamala deftly avoiding the expected loss of the "Intra-party Contest Key."
Key #3. The #Incumbency Key; Analysis: #Kamala cannot by herself be awarded the "PRESIDENTIAL Incumbency Key", or #PIK without #Joe officially resigning the Presidency; Advantage: GOPs C=> #Kindle-Edition
Key #4. The 3rd Party ("RFK, Jr.") Key; Analysis: #Bobby Kennedy, Jr. is still NOT a viable candidate. Advantage: DEMs C=> #Kindle-Edition
Key #5. Strong S-Term #USA Economy Key; Analysis: No Two (2) consecutive quarters of negative growth ie.) No Recession; Advantage: DEMs C=> #Kindle-Edition
Key #6. Strong L-Term #USA Economy Key; Analysis: Current REAL #GDP-growth exceeds the average of the previous Two (2) presidential terms; Advantage: DEMs C=> #Kindle-Edition
Key #7. Major Policy Change Key; Analysis: Most of the previous administration's executive orders have been rescinded; Advantage: DEMs C=> #Kindle-Edition
Key #8. Social Unrest Key; Analysis: Must be a MAJOR movement comparable to #BLM pending the optics of the #DEM-convention; Advantage: DEMs C=> #Kindle-Edition
Key #9. The Scandal Key; Analysis: Bipartisan recognition of the underlying Scandal, if any, ie.) The Watergate Investigation; Bill and Monica; where the subject Scandal must involve the President; Advantage: DEMs C=> #Kindle-Edition
Key #10. The Foreign Military Failure Key, or #FMFK; #Afghanistan, #Gaza, #Ukraine; Advantage: GOPs C=> #Kindle-Edition
Key #11. The Foreign Military Success Key, or #FMSK; #Afghanistan, #Gaza, #Ukraine; Advantage: GOPs C=> #Kindle-Edition
Key #12. The Charismatic Incumbent Key, or #CIK; A broadly appealing once in a generation inspirational candidate; Advantage: GOPs C=> #Kindle-Edition
Key #13. The Un-Charismatic Challenger Key, or #UCCK; A narrowly appealing commonly "ho-hum" candidate; Advantage: DEMs C=> #Kindle-Edition
Rule. If Eight (8) or more keys are "True" for the #DEMs, then #Kamala will become our 47th President of The United States. C=> #Kindle-Edition
Current Score Dtd 072624 = Five (5) #GOP-keys versus Eight (8) #DEM-keys C=> #Kindle-Edition
Very few Trump signs where I'm at
Alot of people around here Don't want a dictator in America, Trump is a looser!
Ka/ Make America Laugh Again. Harris. 2024!
14 hours later, I get it. I see what you did there 😉. KAM(ake)A(merica)L(augh)A(gain) Harris. !HA! Clever 😹
It doesn’t matter, Ronald, how long it takes the penny to drop. The important thing is that it does drop and that we learn again to laugh and be joyous.
Except it is possible he did. And meant it. (I haven’t watched this clip yet and I’m NOT arguing that he is mentally stable. He clearly isn’t )
Copied from another comment I made today:
We can’t drop our guard even a little though. Look into Trump starting to say “I don’t need your votes” at his rallies. It is looking more and more like he is planning to steal the election regardless of voting outcome. There are 70 “election deniers” Trump supporters in key swing states that have mostly been placed since 2021.
They could conceivably throw the entire election into disarray if they refuse to certify votes in even a few counties because those counties not reporting could keep the state from reporting.
It’s a wild thing to even think about and sounds conspiracy theory asf but so did Project 2025 a few months ago.
Add a bought off and paid for Supreme Court to the mix and bad shit could happen.
We can stop it. Michigan is already taking actions making clear refusal to certify is illegal. The implied threat that refusal could lead to removal and someone else will do your job is the vibe I got. Other swing states need to follow suit.
Trump is refusing to debate Harris and with this change in his rhetoric, I think his camp has realized outright fraud, open treason, is the only way they will “win”
I only learned about this in the last 24 hours so if anyone has other information/conflicting information or simply knows more than I do, I’m definitely open to hearing it.
If there has ever been a so called, “news,” network that needs to shut down, it’s Faux News. Free speech is our fundamental right in this country. However, with every right, comes a responsibility. The responsibility necessary for free speech, should be honesty. If you can’t be honest about what you are saying, you are going against the right to have free speech in my opinion. Given the things said on Faux News violate the idea of honesty on most occasions, they should have their right to free speech revoked. I have no problem invoking censorship when toxic lies are being spread to harm our republic.
Finally, some good advice from a:
Great nickname for tfg, fits him so well. Everyone notice the opposition party doesn’t have the integrity to do what the Democrats have wisely done, have the difficult but necessary discussion with their standard bearer, the sitting President.
Thus providing a national role model for American families across the country.
In contrast, the corrupt, incompetent, rancid, party has a standard bearer who’s been in obvious aging decline since occupying the Oval Office. The denial in large part, of tfg’s astounding acceleration of fumbling mind, incoherent speech and reasoning, in his loss of a second term.
Blinders back on, yup their hyping again, too fearful to be adults. Flailing, a failing oldster addicted to pretend youth, strong, guy faker is their “best” to fool you.
Grim, how do these talking heads sleep at night?
Dementia felon43 knows red and swing states will reek so much havoc that he’s telling his sheeple not to vote.
This account is cringe embodied. 😂
trump’s saying this stuff about not needing votes again? he said this in New Hampshire in October, 2023:
“So we have to be careful, you gotta get out there and you got to watch those voters," Trump said. "You don't have to vote, don't worry about voting. The voting, we got plenty of votes, you gotta watch."
It was very strange and sounded like he admitted that the rigging he is always talking about is already in process for votes for him.
In 2015 and 2016, he began his schpiel about the vote being rigged if he didn’t win the election, which, at that time, he didn’t expect to win. He was continuing then his denigration of U.S. institutions that he had displayed in 2011 when he took up his version of the “birtherism” campaign.
I would bet that some of the discussion in the meeting in DC trump had with the congressional republicans was how to work the possibility of a contingent election in which the House of Representatives decides on who the president will be. Because this is why trump thinks he already has the votes he needs. And why he can openly say “I don’t care about you.”
Is it me or did they seem to try to shut him down and get him off air? They know he’s blowing smoke as much as the rest of us no matter who pays them.