Dick Cheney is a lot of things but I never saw him lie. Pompous at times. A blowhard at times. And a hawk. But I always thought he had integrity and honor. In this moment, he is transcending his affiliation with his party to tell the world that Trump and the Party that supports Trump are a threat to the United States and the American way of life, because they are just that. And his voting for Kamala Harris is proof that he is as serious as a heart attack.

Thank you Dick.

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Sorry, no hearts given for war criminal Dick Cheney. This is one endorsement I do not embrace.

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I understand your reluctance to embrace the endorsement but appreciate your tolerance of it. Every flipped republican vote moves the needle closer to a Kamala victory, Russia's intense meddling notwithstanding.

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Tolerance I can do. :) Flipped votes are very encouraging!

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Many people don't understand the impact of a 'flipped' vote vs a write-in (no vote) when it comes to the election. John Bolton has repeatedly said he will not be voting for Harris/Walz but that he was going to write in Dick Cheney. One can't overstate the laughable irony that Dick Cheney is now voting for Harris.

If Bolton is serious about keeping Trump out of the white house, he should *flip* his vote to Democratic which would have twice the impact on the % of popular vote than voting for a write-in candidate. And he should announce that he is doing this publicly to help other dyed-in-the-wool conservatives get over their fear of voting for the 'enemy'.

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I’ll take the vote …

I’d like 40-50 million extra from wherever..

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Although I didn’t agree with Dick Cheney’s conservative views, I never questioned or noticed any opposition to the United States constitution. And let’s face it, the Grande Ole Party became the “Group of Perps” during the Trump administration; and now have migrated to the “Party of Putin (POP). The Cheneys are Americans who do support and defend the US Constitution and not an egotistical zealot and his cult members.

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Total 200 million ..I know..I’m dreaming

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Not as convinced of his or their honor as you.

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He’s another Rethuglican criminal. At least he’s drawn the line at endorsing outright facism. Buys him some redemption, but not for all the illegal crap he’s done.

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Sometimes redemption's price is too high for those who need it most. Cheap redemption is a take-it-or-leave-it transaction with no warranty, refunds or exchanges. You get what you pay for.

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Kamala her policies will destroy and destabilize the energy sector ….

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Dick recognizes that if Trump gets in office, the US will not get to have a Conservative party again. The a Democrats have to win this time, and Trump and his loyal supporters have to go away. Then they can come back.

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