Sep 22Liked by Kamala rocks!

You need to acknowledge the power and influence of Nancy Pelosi when she talked with Biden! She not only spoke for herself; she spoke for many other Democratic Congress people. Biden made the wise, selfless decision.

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Extraordinary woman. One of a kind.

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Yes. Thank you. GC doesn’t deserve credit as some political hero, he didn’t even personally speak to Biden. Biden is much more of a hero to me for stepping down, and Kamala for stepping up.

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I can’t even look at George Clooney. Joe Biden masterfully outsmarted all of his “friends” in MSM & his own party (most of whom still upset my stomach) & changed the world. Credit where credit is due. Thank you, President Biden. Harris-Walz 2024.

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Sep 22·edited Sep 22Author

If George Clooney had not written that essay, would Biden have stepped down anyway?

I respect and admire Biden for doing the right thing instead of holding on to power at all costs. That's honor and integrity. Biden will go down in history as an American hero.

And I think so will George Clooney.

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George Clooney is a privileged piece of shit. President Biden is a decent human being. Thank you Joe Biden.

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Sep 22Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Kamala rocks!

We all thank Joe Biden, but if Clooney hadn’t gotten things rolling he probably wouldn’t have stepped down. And seeing what happened after that, it was a good thing. And Clooney is a decent person too.

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Right on! I had to turn that interview off, it was pissing me off so much.

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George Clooney may have been the first traitor to Biden but he does not get credit for Joe stepping down. The president made the choice after careful consideration of his path and how it could benefit our country. Clooney could have had a private conversation with the president but instead chose to grandstand in the Trump-loving publication The New York Times. Clooney should just stay in Italy. The US doesn’t need him.

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You truly need to rethink this posting. I loved and respected George Clooney but will never be able to think of him without feeling nauseated due to his cruel and disrespectful nyt op-ed. President Biden is deeply loved and respected and what that actor did was horribly obnoxious and disrespectful. Your ebullience will likely be unwelcome by the actor himself who has been on an apology tour of late. I’m sorry but I know I’m not the only person who feels like this.

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I strongly second that, I am disgusted too. I also don’t think this is accurate. I see the comments saying things like GC “might have saved the world!” 🙄 He wrote an essay and published it. What about fellow democrats who actually sat down and had a serious conversation personally with Biden? I had to turn off the interview I got so angry. You are not alone.

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No person ought to be credited with that power. George Clooney in particular. No words for him.

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What Clooney did is the very opposite of a traitorous fact. In fact, he may have done something miraculous, seeing how the situation evolved and Harris’ formidable momentum. He did not disrespect Biden, just reminded him it was time. And it was.

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No matter what your feelings are about Biden … it’s a bit hilarious to think Clooney had any influence on Biden deciding to step down. I think even Pelosi realized she overplayed her hand thus why the day before she went “Biden is great”. Biden stepped down due to the media being annoying BUT it was his and Harris’ hard work the ensured the party didn’t implode

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It's easy to disa Clooney cuz he's a born gorgeous nepo baby he's also comedically gifted especially with the right script and directors coen bros ahem. And unlike most celebs most of what comes out of his mouth and brain seem right on

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You can hate him if you want, but George is not a nepo-baby, he grew up poor. He didn’t have millions handed to him.

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Sep 22·edited Sep 22

George Clooney called President Biden and had a disagreement with him. George's wife works with the International Court and had declared Netanyahu a war criminal. President Biden came out against that upsetting George. He then went to the NYT with his opinion. Several journalists state that George only showed up for a photo op at the campaign event for President Biden and did not even speak with him before he left. A lot of people are angry with George about what he did and he has lost a lot of influence with people on the left. I appreciate President Biden for stepping down as he felt he had no choice after weeks of non stop attacks on him by the main stream media. Kamala has learned so much from President Biden and will make a great president.

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George has NO FUCKING BUSINESS taking credit. Jimmy Kimmel, who I like best of all late night hosts, made it sound like he deserved a Medal of Honor for writing that article. OH PLEASE. I fell hard for him in the 90s. How could he really be that invested when he lives in Italy? He doesn’t have to worry about getting pregnant and being forced to carry a baby to term, or even worse, doctors letting him die because they are on the phone with their lawyer seeing if they’ll go to jail for giving a D & C even if there is no live baby inside them.

He has white cis male privilege and is famous and wealthy and won’t have to live in Project 2025’s America. Easy for him to say Biden was too old. Again, this is coming from a woman who respected him up until he wrote that OpEd. I was so pissed at him (and Kimmel) for acting like he’s some amazing superhero for crapping on Biden publicly. I respect Biden about fifty times more than Clooney, and Nancy Pelosi, who talked to Biden as a friend and colleague instead of publishing an article everyone will see. Wow, how brave of him!

Yes, we have a better chance of keeping 45 as far away from the White House as possible now. Yes, I absolutely love Kamala and feel more hope. But the credit should go where credit is due, and Clooney better work hard at promoting Kamala and fundraising/donating to her campaign… not being glorified and patting himself on the back. He helps her win in a landslide, I might start liking him again.

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F George. Never a fan. Now I despise him. It should have been a private convos. He had recently held big fund raising bash for Biden. Could have asked to meet.

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Well, apparently disagreeing with the original article calling Clooney a hero was “bait” and our comments makes us trolls (possible Russian ones) in this updated version. I thanked him for the rewrite, then saw his comment saying he was trying to bait trolls by posting what he originally did, and it worked. I even used phrases like “in my opinion”. 🙄

Anyone who follows me knows I am about as far away from a troll (or Russian) as possible. Or, I am taking his comment in this section waaay too personally.

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George Clooney is NOT to be praised or worshipped. That's what republicans/conservatives/magad do. Vote HarrisWalz 💙💙

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Sep 22Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Kamala rocks!

So grateful to George Clooney, he got the ball rolling and with his courage - he may have saved the world!

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If anyone might save the world, GC is not He didn’t sit down (or call) Biden. He wrote an Op Ed in the NYT that he had no problem getting it published in that paper since they were constantly publishing nasty stuff about Biden’s age before that debate. Biden might have changed the world by not seeking re-election and Kamala is REALLY in a position to do that.

The A-list celeb who has moved to Italy wasn’t “brave” to write it. Biden was brave to step down. Kamala, a woman of color, is brave as hell to step up and deal with the avalanche of misogyny and racism and death threats, and doesn’t hide behind bullet-proof glass like her opponent (and Vance, who has one in back too in his little Douche Aquarium. If I were in her shoes, I’d be scared of getting killed by some racist MAGA prick who hates women.

Those are my feelings.

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When I hear Biden thanking GC “for getting the ball rolling”, then I’ll believe he was the one who did it. Until then, I’m giving the credit to people who are not A-list celebs and actually sat down and discussed it with him.

I know we are on the same side, I just get mad someone famous and extremely privileged is getting all the credit. Clooney lives in Italy.

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I cannot like or appreciate George Clooney for his actions. He spent weeks touting his friend Joe Biden for president, even participating in a huge fundraiser for his campaign and the next day in an OP-ED!, he goes on about how his purported friend is too old and needs to step aside. The timing and placement were disrespectful, coming across as hypocritical and suspicious. Not cool. President Biden, on the other hand, with incredible skill and finesse, set up a remarkably smooth, successful transition to Kamala. I absolutely, unreservedly support her and Tim. I absolutely admire, respect, and appreciate Joe Biden for all he is and all he has done. But George Clooney? Because the timing and presentation sucked, not so much.

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Knowing Joe, he listened to a number of people, starting with Jill and Kamala and members of his staff and family. Then he and Kamala decided.

Thank you to them both.

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Hello Oliver, I was hoping to learn how to identify trolls. Hateful language, goading, reductionist thinking…these are all tactics that cause me to be leery of a post.

We must work hard to not take the bait…to not be distracted.

To Stay strong 💙

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Clooney isn’t a hero. Biden is.

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