The Resist Stance πŸ’™

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Good one πŸ‘πŸ»

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That's a good one!!

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The Resist Stance is perfect.

Good job, Heather.

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Long time coming.. taking off the gloves past due πŸ₯ŠπŸ₯Š

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God says the Rebellion... Like from Star Wars. I'm thinking the Freedom Writers, which sounds like freedom riders when you say it aloud. I don't care what you call it. I'm in.

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Amen! I like the bit at the end: the VP should not certify the election. And Biden should use his immunity powers to remove the bad actors.

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Love this. If we’re going down, let’s go down fighting.

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After some investigation β€œResistance” or β€œThe Resistance” (a bit more historical, inclusive, and active) is a winner. It’s even international; vive le rΓ©sistance”. Whatever you name it, keep it up πŸ‘

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Fight On

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Level the Playing Field

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Level Playing Field

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Duh πŸ™„! This is so long overdue it may be too late.

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Great post Oliver!! Jon Stewart was a hoot. I like all the name suggestions but am leaning towards the French version: Viva La Resistance!! Long live the Resistance!!! And as Mary Trump said earlier tonight, "Go F yourself Donald". β€οΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ’™

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The Enemy Within. RESIST!!!

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The Daily Stewart -- I'm taking credit for that one ! Thankyouverymuch!😁

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Except...you'se would have to post daily ...of course!lol. [I have to start wring on Substack....]

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Agree. TV and social media should have been blasted with the video of drumpf committing treason on stage with Putin, on live television, from Helsinkil with the Access Hollywood tape, with the audio of his agreeing with Howard Stern that Ivanka is "a nice piece of ass" and saying he'd "date her if she wasn't my daughter." And mocking the reporter with a physical disability and the little boy with cerebral palsy in a wheelchair, and walking ahead of Queen Elizabeth II and away from her at Buckingham Palace, leavingi her looking justifiably furious. And.......

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Demcracy Rocks!

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Any thing but THE DONALD! 😱

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There is already a resistance movement it’s called Indivisible. Look them up. It started the first time around in 2016.

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Or maybe β€œValkyrie”

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