Every time I think I can't love and respect Kamala Harris more, she does something to make me love and respect her more!

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Kamala 2024, thanks for sharing the attempt by Fox to make Vice President Harris look bad. She was having none of it. Everyday Fox and other outlets mislead their viewers with propaganda. While to us the lies and half-truths are blatantly obvious, it baffles me how countless people fall for the myths, fearmongering and demonization. Many of them good people thinking they are being educated, not indoctrinated.

I speak to this in my recent post which tells a story of how the American electorate can be easily misled. “Why are steering wheels square?” conveys a confession of sorts by a rich man, influenced by Machiavelli, becoming a mastermind behind the dissemination of political misinformation.

Here is an excerpt from that post:

“I love reminding Republicans they are the party of Lincoln. Though one would be hard pressed to find similarities between today’s Republican Party and policies of the mid 1800’s.

I neglect to tell them that Republicans brought the stock market crash of 1929 and the Great Depression upon the American public.

I fail to mention that Republicans are also the party of the Great Recession of 2007-2009. The worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. Again Republican policies drove American families to economic ruin.

Along with politicians in our pockets, my cohorts and I mislead our followers into believing Republicans are better for the economy when we know the opposite is true. Skillfully making people believe what is not true, see what is not there. They actually send us money to lie to them. Could I be any happier?”

Although I lack experience as a writer you may find it entertaining.

Thanks for being a voice of reason.

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Gotta call out Trumpie !

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