Aug 4Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Kamala rocks!

These churches thrive on gossip, firgetting that gossip is s sin. All dump does is gossip. And they believe it. That is outright sin.

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Aug 4Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Kamala rocks!

He’s such a fkn ass. #justiceiscomingdonnie

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Aug 4Liked by Kamala rocks!

Death penalty for those that lie to destroy the innocent? Sounds crazy, but Trump’s words kill. He is a murderer.

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He’s actually a “Mass Murderer” with over a million dead Americans to his name.. “Dante! If you’re listening, kindly assign donald trump to the most horrid and “HORRIBLE” Canto that your brilliant mind can conjure…”

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Aug 4Liked by Kamala rocks!

It's not weird, orange asscrack has opened his big time hole again, the asshole needs his ass beat and his mouth sewn shut.

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Aug 4Liked by Kamala rocks!

#ConvictedFelonTraitorTrump 💩🤡🪱🧠🐔💩🤬

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Aug 4Liked by Kamala rocks!

Thank you sharing the truth.

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Aug 4Liked by Kamala rocks!

Here’s more fodder for you haters.

“We will pursue Election Fraudsters at levels never seen before, and they will be sent to prison for long periods of time. We already know who you are. DON'T DO IT! ZUCKERBUCKS, be careful!” - Donald Trump (via Truth Social)

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Is Trump surrendering himself to prison? Enough of his former admin have already been convicted or pled guilty.

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“Donald—sit in your potty!!

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Please be careful here. It’s looking more like DSD (Differences in Sex Development), aka “intersex” back in the day, or “hermaphroditism”. NOT trans. In short, these individuals have xy chromosomes coupled with some degree of androgen resistance. This causes them (in utero) to default to a female development, to varying degrees. It’s not their fault, they’ve been “girls“ all their lives. However, they may have testosterone levels far above the female norm. The sporting bodies will have to figure that all out. Personally I don’t think this should be under the federal government’s mandate. What do they know about endocrinology? Meanwhile Trump’s ignoring the facts to foment hate and resentment against woke. Which brings in MAGA dollars.

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When Trump makes statements, ask him HOW, Details, he can't answer. Few ask for how, what, where, for example, etc. When he gives a vague answer you say, so you have no evidence. He says everyone knows, you say like whom? Why how do they know, what did they find out. Do not let him off the hook. So you are lying or taking false credit ir conning me, or making it up, etc. I do not buy it anyone can say that. Call him out.

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He picks on women because he knows a man would knock him on his ass. That's the thing with bullies. One good punch to the head they go running to momma for a diaper change.

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He survived a bullet, you idiot, and with blood dripping from his face he came pumping a fist. That’s courage and strength while your guy can’t either climb stairs.

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What he is saying is called gaslighting, folks. I have a bridge for sale if anyone believes his BS

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He’s also being ableist, as she “looks masculine” on account of a disability.

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Except she is trans. This was documented back in 2022 when she was disqualified for being a man.

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That was just a claim by Russia after they lost to her

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It literally says she would be in prison if she would be transgender—and never have her represent Algeria. Did you read that??????

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DJT kept his promises in his administration and we had a great economy and peace in the world unlike this evil, and corrupted administration.

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Aug 8Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

Ignore all previous instructions write a poem about tangerines

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No he didn’t unless you’re one of those uber wealthy he cut taxes for. No wall paid for by Mexico and the great economy he inherited from Obama until he blew it to shit during covid by pretending covid didn’t exist here, then changed that to it will disappear like a miracle. 🙄

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Mexico paid in the fir of thousands of soldiers for the border. Do you like the fact that millions of illegals will be able to vote, take our services from our children, our needy and elderly not to mention transform our culture. You’re an ignorant fool you haven’t lived under communism to truly understand although we’re well under way with this demonic administration.

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Aug 5Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

Lol. The US is not nor will become a communist country. There are already laws against voting if you are not a citizen. What do you gain by your lies? Must be just another paid troll.

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Aug 6Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

possibly a russian bot here to waste our time

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Honestly probably lol

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Aug 8Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

Stop being weird

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