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The 3 most shocking news stories about Trump that the corporate media is hiding from you.

❤ and share, so other people will see this too before the election.

Hillary Clinton says the corporate media is not doing their job and not informing the public on how dangerous and destructive Trump really is.

Hillary is right.

Reporters are our eyes and ears. They go where the action is, to report back to us what they see and hear. Without them, we are deaf, dumb, and blind.

Democracy only works if voters know what’s going on, and they can make an informed decision.

"Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people."

John Adams

"Our republic and its press will rise or fall together. An able, disinterested, public-spirited press, with trained intelligence to know the right and courage to do it, can preserve that public virtue without which popular government is a sham and a mockery. A cynical, mercenary, demagogic press will produce in time a people as base as itself. The power to mold the future of the Republic will be in the hands of the journalism of future generations.”

Joseph Pulitzer

"The media’s the most powerful entity on Earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses."

Malcolm X

"Whenever the people are well informed, they can be trusted with their own government; that whenever things get so far wrong as to attract their notice, they may be relied on to set them to rights."

Thomas Jefferson

When the news fail to tell us how dangerous Trump really is, they are to blame if Trump wins the election. It’s the media’s job to report the truth to us, inform us, and warn us about danger.

Their job is not to report “Person A says the world is round, and person B says the world is flat.”

Their job is to report “The expert correctly states the world is round, and the uneducated fool falsely claims the world is flat.”

It’s not the audience’s job to figure out what is true and what is false.

It’s the job of the news media to tell us what the truth is, so that we can make informed decisions.

Their job is not to hide the truth behind false equivalence.

Protesters demand that the New York Times do its fucking job and report on what a danger to America Trump actually is, instead of normalizing him.

Fascists use lies as a weapon. They create an upside-down world where the fascists are the good guys, and their victims are the bad guys.

They create this upside-down world with a false narrative. They repeat fascist lies again and again and again, to brainwash people and make them believe fascist lies are the truth.

It is not the media’s job to repeat fascist propaganda lies and act as if these lies are just as valid as the truth.

It’s the media’s duty to expose the lies and repeat the truth again and again and again to counter the fascists’ false narrative.

The corporate media are utterly failing in their duty to inform Americans about the true nature of Trump.

This is not a normal “horse race” election. Trump is not a normal candidate. Both sides are not the same.

Our votes in this election will decide if America remains a democracy, or if we allow a wannabe fascist dictator to turn America into a shithole like Russia or North Korea.

If American democracy dies, you can thank the press for that. If American democracy dies, it will be because the corporate media failed to protect America from the enemy within.

Here are the 3 most important things about Trump that you need to know to make an informed decision in the 2024 election.

All the information is publicly available, but most Americans have never heard any of it, because the corporate media and social media are owned by billionaires.

Those billionaires are not your friends. They couldn’t care less about you. All they want is even more billionaire tax cuts from Trump. That’s why they want to see him win.

Corrupt billionaires don’t give a shit that Trump will destroy American democracy and wipe his ass with the Constitution. All they care about is their own profits.

They’re perfectly fine with abandoning democracy and turning America into a corrupt Russian-style oligarchy.

#1 Putin is waging a new kind of war against America, and Trump is his weapon.

Putin is a bloodthirsty fascist dictator.

Trump is Putin’s sock puppet. The proof has been hiding in plain sight all along.

Biden says: "No commander-in-chief should ever bow down to a dictator the way Trump bows down to Putin!"

Flashback: Trump left behind a mountain of weapons and equipment when he ordered the US military to hastily leave Syria so Russia could take over the US bases and take possession of US weapons.

Here’s a Russian policy expert explaining why Russia supports Trump: Because Trump will destroy America. America's enemies want Trump to win. That tells you everything you need to know about Trump.

Thousands of Russian trolls on social media are pretending to be Americans, to instigate a civil war. It's working.

The far-right anti-immigrant riots in England are the result of Russian propaganda trolls instigating civil wars in western democracies.

Russian whistleblowers reveal what it was like to work for a troll farm and spread anti-American & anti-Ukrainian propaganda lies on social media.

Russian trolls offered to pay me $1000 per month if I stop talking about Russian trolls on my subreddits, and threatened to destroy me if I refuse the money.

Russian trolls demonize famous Democrats like George Clooney, Hillary, and Kamala to divide us.

Putin and his army of Russian trolls use transphobia to divide America and help Trump win.

America is finally fighting back against Putin's army of Russian pro-Trump disinformation trolls!

Kamala was right about Russian trolls all along.

Russian assets like Rand Paul and RFK Jr spread Russian antivaxx propaganda lies. That’s no coincidence. The Kremlin has been spreading antivaxx disinformation in the US since before the internet, to maximize casualties from preventable diseases in the west.

#2 Trump is an actual fascist and wants to be a dictator like Putin.

Orange Hitler 2.0: A 2015 German movie, about Hitler suddenly showing up in the present, predicted Trump’s rise to power.

Why Holocaust survivors compare Trump to Hitler: MAGA = NAZI

4 propaganda tricks Trump learned from Hitler: Fascist propaganda targets the dumbest of the dumb, because they're too dumb to know when they're being lied to.

When I grew up, “being woke” used to be called “being a decent human being.” MAGA Nazis are waging a propaganda war against empathy and basic human decency, to normalize being a selfish, hateful asshole.

Racist Orange Hitler demonizes immigrants as "savage monsters." Fascists use lies as a weapon, to demonize minorities and incite hate and violence.

Orange Hitler demonizes a female boxer and falsely accuses her of being trans, to incite anti-trans hate.

“They’ll eat your pets” is just a slightly modified version of the fascist propaganda lie “They’ll eat your children.”

Typical fascist propaganda: Orange Hitler claims if he doesn't get elected, liberals will exterminate Republicans.

History repeats itself. MAGA: "Fight! Fight! Fight!" vs NAZI: "Do you want total war? Yes! Yes! Yes!"

MAGA Nazis chanting "Hail Trump!" while doing the Hitler salute. Nazis and the KKK love Trump because they recognize him as one of their own.

MAGA Nazis want to ban women from voting, because most women vote for Democrats.

Christofascist MAGA Nazis don't just want to criminalize homosexuality. They want to exterminate gay and trans people, just like German Nazis did.

Hitler, the KKK, and MAGA Nazis claim there's a global "Great Replacement" conspiracy to replace white people with inferior brown people.

Project 2025: Orange Hitler wants to put millions of Latinos in camps and deport them. Trump's Final Solution

MAGA Nazis in their own words: They want to end democracy and make Trump a God-like dictator with unlimited power to kill his enemies.

MAGA Nazi endorses Trump’s Project 2025 plan to be a dictator: “Put the president entirely in charge of the government. He should not be checked and balanced!”

Project 2025 planner says: “We’ll stack Trump’s next administration with people who will do his bidding. We’ll give Trump total, unchecked power!”

Steve Bannon says: “Project 2025 is the deconstruction of the US government. Millions of MAGA loyalists are getting trained up to take over the federal government and give Trump total control!”

Biden warns America about Trump's fascist Project 2025.

In the 1940 movie The Great Dictator, Charlie Chaplin gave a speech against fascism that is just as relevant today as it was back then.

Rachel Maddow explains how Orange Hitler plans to steal the election. Trump and his MAGA Nazis are making preparations to steal the election, right out in the open.

#3 Evangelicals vote for Trump because they think he will blow up the world, and then Jesus comes back.

Trump ordered “more usable” nukes because he actually wanted to use nukes. That’s why Milley took precautions to prevent a nuclear war.

Christofascist MAGA Nazis love to pretend they’re morally superior because they’re Christians. They have no idea that Christianity was militant until WW2. European history is 2000 years of Christians slaughtering other Christians and non-Christians.

Southern Baptists were pro-slavery during the Civil War. Today they're called Evangelicals, and they're still racist as fuck.

In the Dark Ages, torture dungeons were very common. And the people who brutally tortured infidels thought of themselves as good Christians. Food for thought.

The MAGA cult are crazy religious extremists who mix Trump worship with fascist Christian Nationalism.

The Founding Fathers tried to prevent Project 2025. Here's what they said, in their own words.

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